Subscribe to Get More Features
Our goal is to spread the word about golf and develop the game in Jordan for all ages and genders and also to maximize and improve all golf facilities across the Kingdom.
The subscriber in this membership qualifies to get the training benefits at the Range Driving / Al-Bisharat Stadium, as follows:
1 – Training once a week (without a coach) by 50 balls.
2 – Training throughout the week in area Putting & Chipping.
3- The training took place “weekly with a coach, in coordination and prior reservation (from the age of 18 and under).
4- Training with a trainer for 10 sessions (private) in coordination and prior reservation (over 18 years old).
5- Obtaining discounts from Ayla Golf Club and Academy (discounts attached).
6- Obtaining discounts from Al Bisharat Golf Club.
7- Obtaining the right to use the WHS Handicap system.